
  • 剧情
  • 金泰熙
  • based on "Bodas de sangre" by Federico G…based on "Bodas de sangre" by Federico García Lorca, tells the story of a love triangle between two men and a woman. Two lovers carried away by their passion defying all moral and social rules even challenging their own judgment. The same day of her wedding, the bride and her lover escape on horseback to live their love. Their disobedience will have devastating consequences.</p>


  • 更新16
  • 更新8
  • 更新170
  • 更新20240412
  • 更新1080P
  • 更新20240403
  • 更新20240402
  • 更新20240407(加更版)



《你好妈妈,再见》主演:金泰熙 的 该剧剧情: based on "Bodas de sangre" by Federico García Lorca, tells the story of a love triangle between two men and a woman. Two lovers carried away by their passion defying all moral and social rules even challenging their own judgment. The same day of her wedding, the bride and her lover escape on horseback to live their love. Their disobedience will have devastating consequences.</p>爱韩剧韩国剧栏目为您提供《你好妈妈,再见》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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