
  • 冒险 剧情 科幻
  • 汤姆·威灵 爱丽卡·杜伦斯 艾莉森·麦克 贾斯汀·哈特雷 布莱恩·奥斯汀·格林 卡鲁姆·布鲁 埃莉卡·杜兰斯 卡西迪·弗里曼
  • 共21集  |  每集 42分钟
  • 汤姆续约两年,出现大反派ZOD,克拉克被疑似会导致世…汤姆续约两年,出现大反派ZOD,克拉克被疑似会导致世界毁灭?面对CHLOE的质问,克拉克面对人性的抉择。Arther last seasons doomsday season finale jimmy Olson and Davis bloom both departed from the show. Smallville had disappointed most people with a 10 second fight with doomsday and Clark. If you don't know Smallville has moved to Fridays. let's hope it's moved back to Thursdays or this show will have rating problems.the season 9 premiere of Smallville will my most watched recorded show on my TV.But now Smallville is back and better with the season premiere of Savior which in my opinion is the best premiere compared with season 3's. you even hear different music tone through out the episode. the acting by the cast is Perfect. I would give this episode 4 out of 4 stars for being just plain sweet.



  Salvation于北美时候5月14日周五晚(8:00-9:00 , 北美东部/承平洋时候) CW电视台播出,本集中Zod (Callum Blue) 和他的Kandorian 部队起头对地球策动了残忍的侵犯进犯,同时Chloe (Alison Mack…


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电视剧 《超人前传第九季》剧情介绍

《超人前传第九季》主演:汤姆·威灵 爱丽卡·杜伦斯 艾莉森·麦克 贾斯汀·哈特雷 布莱恩·奥斯汀·格林 卡鲁姆·布鲁 埃莉卡·杜兰斯 卡西迪·弗里曼 的电视剧 该剧剧情: 汤姆续约两年,出现大反派ZOD,克拉克被疑似会导致世界毁灭?面对CHLOE的质问,克拉克面对人性的抉择。Arther last seasons doomsday season finale jimmy Olson and Davis bloom both departed from the show. Smallville had disappointed most people with a 10 second fight with doomsday and Clark. If you don't know Smallville has moved to Fridays. let's hope it's moved back to Thursdays or this show will have rating problems.the season 9 premiere of Smallville will my most watched recorded show on my TV.But now Smallville is back and better with the season premiere of Savior which in my opinion is the best premiere compared with season 3's. you even hear different music tone through out the episode. the acting by the cast is Perfect. I would give this episode 4 out of 4 stars for being just plain sweet.爱韩剧欧美剧栏目为您提供《超人前传第九季》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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